Name: Sport Wristbands Headband Towel-Sweat-Bands Tennis Basketball Fitness Protect for Men
Rated 4.9/5
based on 42 Reviews
Jian&er Sports Products Co.,Ltd
Price :$3.49 In stock
Best Sports Accessories from Jian&er Sports Products Co.,Ltd for Sport Wristbands Headband Towel-Sweat-Bands Tennis Basketball Fitness Protect for Men
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Customer reviews:
Date: 16 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Доставка до Москвы около месяца. Качество не плохое. Немного маловаты, но резинка делает свое дело. Отличный фитнеснабор деструктивной расцветки для РБ.
Date: 15 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
arrived safely. thank you very much ❤️❤️ ✌✌ they're very beautiful
Date: 06 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping